
Foto tirada numa loja de metal caríssima aqui em Santiago.
Acho q concordamos q isso dá um pau em Bangers Open Air (processa, Jessiê!) e Monsters Of Rock juntos, hum?
Paul Di’Anno morreu e o Iron Maiden até o homenageou.
Discurso inesperado mas tb protocolar de Bruce Dickinson em show nos EUA, pra daí tocarem “Time Machine” e vida q segue.
Vi uma homenagem no show sexta, q não vi ninguém comentar ainda e não farei agora. Resenha só à noite.
Kerry King está tocando “Killers” desde o início de novembro em shows. (4 shows desde então, mas tudo bem). E a música nem é dele.
O post é sobre isso.
Dentre o monte de explicações, alusões e comentários faixa a faixa tipicamente Nile Karl Sanders em discos do Nile, pincei trechos sobre “Naqada II Enter the Golden Age”, faixa 5 do “The Underworld Awaits Us All” (2024), até interessantes:
“One day he showed me an exercise for downstrokes that took the technique to previously unimaginable velocities and consistency. As I practicing Jonas’ picking workout, it just so happened that the natural fodder for material to use in these exercises was the classic thrash metal riffs from the Golden Era of Metal – early Exodus, Slayer, and Metallica. I was having a blast relearning and playing these classic riffs, and it occurred to me how much of these Golden Age of Metal guitar riffs were like a Bible of metal riffing. Around this same time, I was also in the midst of an epic video game Zombie War 4: Dead War. There is a cultist subplot in the game where the cult members are trying to cause an Apocalypse to bring about an return to a past Golden Age by, you guessed it, cleansning the Earth with hordes of Undead Zombies. AH yes. Anything is possible in video games!
(daí seguem 4 parágrafos sobre egiptologia e associações batatas com games e remotas a riffs de guitarra, até a conclusão)
“I like to think that all the classic-stylized metal riffing in this Nile song and the hook ‘Bring about the Golden Age’ evokes a reverence towards and yearning for the work of the early Metal Masters – Hetfield, Holt, Hanneman, and King who ushered in their own Golden Age Of Metal”
PS – o “Jonas” citado é um certo guitarrista austríaco e aluno de Sanders, Jonas Klaus, q lhe teria ensinado uns exercícios pra aquecimento e fritação na guitarra
… o q “ficaram”?
E essa agora?
Chegou o dia em q lamentei algo feito por Anneke van Giersbergen. Isso pq o Fim do Mundo já passou.
Compreendi a intenção, mas pra mim não funcionou. Fora q Tori Amos já tinha fiascado muito parecido quando fez a versão pra “Raining Blood” em seu “Strange Little Girls” (2001).
Jeff Hanneman desaprovaria.
WhatsAppin’: música e ciência https://consequence.net/2016/04/new-scientific-study-confirms-the-audience-freddie-mercury-had-an-unparalleled-singing-voice/
Kerry King tem lugar de fala, não os jecas daqui baba ovo de americano https://consequence.net/2024/09/kerry-king-slayer-raiders-football-interview/2/
Curti essa https://www.estadao.com.br/cultura/musica/ranking-25-albuns-mais-superestimados-da-historia-nprec/
Estou bem por fora, admito: vi aquele primeiro som – e nem lembro se gostei – e não ouvi nem vi mais nada sobre esse Kerry King CNPJ novo.
Sei q “From Hell I Rise” já saiu, pelo menos.
Mas a imprensa do metal nacional brasileira está repercutindo o cara ou preferindo criticar Kiko Tesouro tocando de bermuda?
Trouxe essa Fistful Of Metal de Londres por causa da capa (teria valido só pela foto), mas não pude me furtar de compartilhar trechos da matéria por um certo Oran O’Beirne de OITO PÁGINAS sobre ele.
Sobre a formação da banda com ele, Paul Bostaph, Mark Osegueda, Phil Demell e Kyle Sanders:
“What a lot of people don’t take into consideration is that all the guys in this project, apart from Mark, didn’t have a job – and that also included me! At this point of my career, the last thing I wanted was any drama… I don’t need that shit. Luckily for me these guys are my friends, they are people I can trust, and also, they are people who know exactly what is needed of them to be a part of this project.
I really wanted to be surrounded by people who all have equal love for this kind of music, and that’s exactly what I got”, he explains: “The funny thing is, we still have not played together in a room with a volume yet! We were all in the same room to shoot the ‘Residue’ (second single from the album) video, but we were not playing with the normal volume we would be, had we been in a rehearsal space. The first real rehearsals are coming in the next few weeks before we kick off the live shows”.
Todo elogios a Mark Osegueda:
“Mark just nailed his vocals on this album. His vocals just elevated everything we had done on the demos to such a level that I had not expected at first. (…) When I first heard Mark singing it was for ‘Residue’, and I asked them: ‘How did you get to this register?’ He definitely had some tricks up his sleeves when it came to the vocals, and honestly couldn’t be any happier the way they turned out”.
Sobre o Slayer, rescaldos e 3 shows marcados, não uma volta:
“Kerry had recently revealed that two tracks from the solo album (“Rage” and “From Hell I Rise”) were, in fact, composed during the writing sessions for Slayer‘s twelfh and final studio album, “Repentless” (2015).
“We wanted to give the fans what they wanted to see, then go away for a few more years… Or perhaps forever”, he teases: “I can put to bed any rumours of Slayer touring again, because that’s not gonna happen, and I can put to bed any rumours of Slayer ever recording again, because that’s also never gonna happen”.
Tem material já pra um segundo disco, fôlego pra turnê e parâmetro de setlist:
“I can’t rest at this point of my career”, he says in a solemn manner. “I want to work as hard as I can, tour as many countries as I can, and release as much music as I can while I’m still able to do it”.
“The weirdest thing for me is that I’ve never been home for four and a half years in my entire adult life, so this a new problem for me to deal with. I’m going to have to come to terms with leaving my family. I’ve never been home long enough to reach this level of missing my wife and animals. That’s gonna be the hardest thing for me”.
“I can’t wait to get on a stage again. We will be tipically playing for about an hour and fifteen minutes, and I’ll definetly be doing about forty minutes of the new album, so naturally. I’ll be including some Slayer classics in the set. I’m only gonna be focusing on the stuff that I wrote and/or co-wrote. I’ll not be doing anything that Jeff wrote by himself. I really want to get established with the new material, and not give people the ammo to hate it, so I’m just gonna do stuff that I had partial writing on, be it a whole song or part of it”.
Agora é esperar pra ver se alguém copia daqui os trechos ahahah
Se vierem créditos, melhor ainda. Ou Pix.
Lista sugerida pra hoje, seriando hoje e na virada do mês.
obs: vou considerando “século 21” aqui como “anos 2000”, começando em 2000 e não em 2001. Há algum problema cronológico com isso?
WhatsAppin’: o careca fez de graça, não assinou papel e agora lamenta https://consequence.net/2024/07/kerry-king-financial-arrangement-beastie-boys-hit/
Quero crer q é o humor inglês típico, descontextualizado como manchete conteudista https://consequence.net/2024/07/nick-mason-pink-floyd-ai/
E chega de Pink Floyd um pouco.
… o q ficou?