Dentre o monte de explicações, alusões e comentários faixa a faixa tipicamente Nile Karl Sanders em discos do Nile, pincei trechos sobre “Naqada II Enter the Golden Age”, faixa 5 do “The Underworld Awaits Us All” (2024), até interessantes:
“One day he showed me an exercise for downstrokes that took the technique to previously unimaginable velocities and consistency. As I practicing Jonas’ picking workout, it just so happened that the natural fodder for material to use in these exercises was the classic thrash metal riffs from the Golden Era of Metal – early Exodus, Slayer, and Metallica. I was having a blast relearning and playing these classic riffs, and it occurred to me how much of these Golden Age of Metal guitar riffs were like a Bible of metal riffing. Around this same time, I was also in the midst of an epic video game Zombie War 4: Dead War. There is a cultist subplot in the game where the cult members are trying to cause an Apocalypse to bring about an return to a past Golden Age by, you guessed it, cleansning the Earth with hordes of Undead Zombies. AH yes. Anything is possible in video games!
(daí seguem 4 parágrafos sobre egiptologia e associações batatas com games e remotas a riffs de guitarra, até a conclusão)
“I like to think that all the classic-stylized metal riffing in this Nile song and the hook ‘Bring about the Golden Age’ evokes a reverence towards and yearning for the work of the early Metal Masters – Hetfield, Holt, Hanneman, and King who ushered in their own Golden Age Of Metal”
PS – o “Jonas” citado é um certo guitarrista austríaco e aluno de Sanders, Jonas Klaus, q lhe teria ensinado uns exercícios pra aquecimento e fritação na guitarra