… o q ficou?
… o q ficou?
… o q ficou?
O amigo märZ tinha me avisado.
Encontrei. E postei.
Mas e ae?
WhatsAppin’: concordo e repostei no Facebook assim – “a meia dúzia q são exceção são os amigos q freqüentam o Thrash Com H” https://whiplash.net/materias/news_715/344989-ratosdeporao.html Obrigado, amigos.
Scott Ian em novo momento “pingos nos is”, “h no thrash“: https://roadie-metal.com/anthrax-scott-ian-diz-que-bonded-by-blood-do-exodus-e-o-melhor-album-de-estreia-dentre-os-big-five-de-thrash-metal/
[excluídos ep’s e coletâneas][corrigido]
[incluídos discos ao vivo]
WhatsAppin’: nunca tinha visto sequer foto do sujeito. Entrevista memorável: https://www.loudersound.com/features/metallica-flemming-rasmussen-interview
Depoimento categórico de Scott Ian a respeito dos colegas: https://www.loudersound.com/features/scott-ian-nobody-thought-metallica-would-be-bigger-than-iron-maiden
Pauta sazonal anacrônica q resiste por teimosia.
Vale disco baixado ou ouvido inteiro nos Spotify da off-vida.
(comprados todos neste mês)
whatsapping: algo q conversamos por alto aqui quando da postagem do “Metal Massacre” quarentando https://flipboard.com/@Loudersound/scott-ian-nobody-thought-metallica-would-be-bigger-than-iron-maiden/a-yuJKXW5JSGGt2nz-1KHszA%3Aa%3A2568926976-be7992eb16%2Floudersound.com?format=amp
Um “reaction & analysis” à moda antiga. Por escrito.
Eis q me cai no colo isso.
Pronto: Mike Patton e Mr. Bungle em tributo a Eddie Van Halen. Impossível ñ pensar: “é a sério ou zoeira?”. Provavelmente a segunda opção. Música obscura do Van Halen, ao q parece, bora ouvir.
Scott Ian pesadaço. Vocal numa parte com distorção. Dinâmica lembra Van Halen um pouco. Dave Lombardo arrepiando nos 2 bumbos, q foda. Quem é esse baixista caricato? Ñ lembram muito David Lee Roth esses vocais (Patton, né?), mas tem uma vibe Lee Roth…
Segundo guitarrista dando uns bends tipicamente Eddie. E eu me perguntando se já tinha prestado atenção nesse som, tá muito pesado pra Van Halen. Links do YouTube comprovam ser do “Women And Children First”. Pô, tenho esse disco.
Finalzinho, Lombardo apavorando nas viradas. Ñ tá tanto uma pegada Alex Van Halen, mas ñ conheço (ou lembro do) som e curti. [Vou curtir Dave Lombartdo tocando até lambada com o Figueroas]. Q afinação dessa bateria!
E ainda a dúvida: fizeram um tributo mesmo ou zoaram com a minha cara?
Comentários youtubbicos majoritários: “muito bom”. “Foda”. “Patton é foda, deveria deixar o cérebro pra dissecarem quando morrer”. “Como assim, só um babaca ñ curtiu?” Etc.
Curti. Mas ñ entendi. Deixa eu ouvir a original agora.
Porra, tava tudo ali.
História da banda, simplesmente, por Scott Ian, em “Live At Budokan” (1992):
“‘Speak English Or Die’
I never thought four words could cause so much schism. From these four words S.O.D. was born.
It was Spring of 1985 and Anthrax were in the studio recording ‘Spreading the Disease’ up at Pyramid Studios in Ithaca, NY. I was done with all of my guitar tracks and I had a lot of free time on my hands. So, instead of doing something constructive, I drew comics. I invented this guy, well not really a guy, more like a living skeleton that smokes cigars, hates everyone and everything, with an insane sense of wrong and right, who was called ‘Sgt. D’. (Actually, he’s not much different than your average right-wing gung-ho American) I would draw his face and then put a slogan next to it. Ex: ‘Don’t smoke, I’ll rip your lungs out for you, your caring friend, Sgt. D’. Or, Sgt. D says, ‘I’m not racist, I hate everyone equally, so fuck you’. Or, of course, ‘Speak English or Die’. The lightbulb lit over my head and I started writing. Feverishly working, spewing hatred from my pen, day and night, seeing the world through the eyes of a living, breathing, dead, decaying pillar of hatred.
I took a break after I had written ten songs or so. This was too much hate for one person to bear. I played it for Charlie, I played it for Dan, I played it for Billy. Sgt. D approved. S.O.D. was born.
We wrote the rest of the album, rehearsed it the day before we were going to start recording, and banged the record out in three days. Two days recording, July 2nd & 3rd, one day mixing, July 6th. It was hard, fast, furious, mean, controversial, ridiculous, funny and, most of it all, it was heavy. HEAVY. Just think of the album’s opening riff in ‘March Of the S.O.D.’. This is the sound of death. This is the sound of Sgt. D.
The show you are about to see or hear (depending on whether or not you have the video or the album) was the first headlining gig in S.O.D.‘s history. It took us seven years, yep, seven year to headline a show. In 1985, when the S.O.D. album came out, we played seven shows.We did four shows with Overkill, the first three over one weekend at the Showplace in Dover, N.J., L’amour in Brooklin and City Gardens in Trenton, N.J. The fourth was at the Rising Sun in Yonkers, N.Y., and that show was my personal favorite S.O.D. gig. It was our first and only annual S.O.D. Hawaiian beach party. Imagine stagediving with surfboards. Then we did two shows with Suicidal Tendencies at L’amour once again and City Gardens again. I think it was around that time that we started playing Suicidal‘s ‘War Inside My Head’. Our last show, the big farewell Xmas blowout, was at the Ritz in December of ’85 with Motorhead, Wendy O and the Cro-mags. That was it. Short but sweet to quote Billy.
We got together once in 1988 to play the Megaforce fifth anniversary, but that was more of a fuck-up than a gig. Sooo, this show at the Ritz on March 21st, 1992 was the culmination of seven years of nothing. How’s that for contradiction. Actually, this show came about for no other reason than the fact we wanted to play these songs again. We missed ‘em. Billy called me up and told me how misty eyed he would get when he would think about the bad old days of S.O.D.
(He’s gonna kill me now). No really, we did miss them. For the four of us. S.O.D. became a bond that can never be broken, something that only the four of us could share. The Stormtroopers Of Death. The right time, the right place, the right people. A once in a lifetime band that could never be, but will last forever.
See ya soon,
Having a good cup of joe,
Scott Ian,
Huntington Beach, CA
P.S. SGT. D LIVES!!!!!“
O amigo bonna lançou anteontem por aqui em sua playlist semanal. De chofre. Estranhei.
Mr. Bungle novo, como assim? Assim acima.
Prévia de álbum, “The Raging Wrath Of the Easter Bunny”, a ser lançado no próximo 30 de outubro. Com a banda, ao q parece, incorporando Dave Lombardo e Scott Ian à formação Mike Patton, Trevor Dunn e Trey Spruance.
O disco terá versão pra S.O.D., “Habla Español O Muere” (e aí ñ entendi se com Lombardo ou Charlie Benante), pelo q o Metal Archieves adiantou. Eita.
Ñ sei se tb os amigos por aqui, mas “Married With Children” foi uma das séries q mais curti assistir. Ainda mais quando passava direto no canal Sony.
Durou trocentos (dez) anos e 262 episódios, suficiente pra vermos o moleque (Bud) crescer e a Christina Applegate tb…
Embora deva ser honesto em admitir q ñ assistia à série só por ela. Antes do termo “politicamente incorreto” virar moda, o seriado já o era. Gente tosca, inadequada, estereotipada e perdedora. Na maior parte do tempo, ainda engraçados. Cheech Marin dublando o cachorro, fora isso. Devaneios à parte, houve episódio em q o Anthrax participou, fato bastante conhecido. Ñ?
E graças a Crom existir o You Tube pra eu descobrí-lo inteiro ali Trocado por um trecho, pq tiraram o episódio integral do You Tube
O outro link, abaixo, tem matéria recente com Scott Ian e Frank Bello rememorando a experiência. Em fevereiro de 1992, pouco antes de chutarem o Joey Belladonna.
E aí me pego lembrado de Scott Ian confessando sobre seu “ponto alto” da carreira haver tocado no Big Four na Bugária. Em primeiro na escala, usando 1/5 do palco do Metallica e com backstage precário. Tocando metade de “Am I Evil?” numa “jam“. Sério mesmo, mr. Ian?
PS – e bizarro mais ainda q isto tudo é eu ter tido q pesquisar aqui no próprio blog se já havia postado sobre isso. A “busca” indicou q ñ, mas a “memória” insistia em me trair. Putz.
PS 2 – a série tem sido reprisada atualmente no canal TCM. Q aqui em casa ñ temos…