Ñ bem o encarte, mas a contracapa apócrifa do vinil do meu “Ramonesmania” (1988):

August, 1974. Washington, D.C. An entire country watches as Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States, steps aboard a waiting helicopter and vacates the White House. News of the Nixon resignation fills newspaper pages and television and radio broadcasts the world over. From this moment forward, politics will never again be the same.

August, 1974, New York City. Scattered Bowery residents pay little notice as four young men from Forest Hills, Queens, enter a small club called CBGB in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The owner, Hilly Kristal, isn’t sure if this strange-looking group – identically dressed in leather jackets, T-shirts, ripped jeans, and sneackers, and calling themselves the Ramones – are the ones who are supposed to be auditioning for a gig or just a bunch of hoodlums who’ve come to fence stolen musical equipment. The take to the stage and play a set, but even after they’re through, Kristal still isn’t sure they’re a real band or just a bunch of hoodlums. All of their songs are very loud, very short, and very fast. In fact, the only thng separating them are the bass player’s shouts of ‘1-2-3-4’ during the milliseconds in which they stop. He decides to book them anyway; business is bad. Their first public performance draws no attention from newspapers, radio, or television and, in point of fact, is witnessed by a grand total of five warm bodies – six if you count the bartender’s dog. No matter. From this moment foward, rock & roll will never again be the same“.