“Thrash Anthems” (2007), disco de regravações, contém depoimentos dos envolvidos (integrantes e ex-integrantes), disco a disco, em seu encarte. Algumas histórias realmente curiosas e interessantes, como a do contexto e ambiência de “Sentence Of Death” (1984):

‘Total Disaster’ was the first Destruction song we wrote back in the day. Mike came with this fast, catchy & punky riff, and the direction was clear: as fast as possible! – Schmier

The first time the producer listened to our sound he couldn’t believe his ears. He went away, telling the sound engineer to have a go at it. Thrash metal was so new at the time, that nobody knew how to produce it – Mike

Our first time at a real studio was pure horror. We were young kids from the country side, with no experience but a lot of enthusiasm. It was very difficult at that time to get a good sound and our engineer could not believe how much noise we were producing, so he was getting stoned all the time! – Schmier