Fuçava o You Tube semana passada, reouvindo uns sons do Dio – sobretudo do “Magica” – pro post perpetrado sexta passada (aliterações!), e eis q me deparo com piada tchaptchura sobre a morte passagem em definitivo pra Terra Média do sujeito.

O tipo de piada q certamente já foi contada quando da morte de outras pessoas, e q poderá ser adaptada conforme a truezice de futuros falecidos. Mas beleza.

1945, Adolf Hitler died and went to Hell. Satan asked, “why are you in Hell?”. He replied, “I am responsible for the massacre of millions”. Satan said, “well done, sit to the right of my throne”.

1953, Joseph Stalin died and went to Hell. Satan asked, “why are you in Hell?”. He replied, “I killed millions to stay in power”. Satan said “good, sit to my left”.

2010, Ronnie James Dio died and went to Hell. Satan asked, “why are you in Hell?”. Dio replied: “Bitch, get the fuck off my throne!”.