Release cheio de xinfra em “Supersexy Swingin’ Sounds” (1996), com direito a um rodapé:

Here is another journey into the unique and distinctive world of sound created by White Zombie. Once again the usual zombies treat the listener to the imaginative, mind-bending sounds which started them on the road to stardom.

Intricate arrangements and a strong rhythmic drive create a fresh experience for today’s sophisticated music listener.

The sound of White Zombie is an exciting one, and this álbum will make and excelente contribution to your dancing and listening pleasure“.


Num rodapé ainda consta:


This record was made in Paris, London and Rome. A large studio was used for this session as a full orchestra was used consisting of woodwinds, trumpets, trombones, full rhythm session, violas, violins, and marimba. Microphones utilized to reproduce the various sections and instruments included: Three 44BX’s – one for woodwinds, one for trumpets and one for trombones. Three Electrovoice 666’s – one for piano, bass, and guitar respectively. Two Telefunkin U47’s set about 15 feet high and 12 inches apart in exact center of studio for cutting of session stereophonically“.