Comentários de integrantes e ex-integrantes sobre “Cracked Brain” – o disco – à época e sobre “Cracked Brain” – a faixa – regravada, no encarte de “Thrash Anthems” (2007):

I was still involved in the first part of the production. I remember the wall coming down in East Germany, while we were recording in a way too expensive studio in Munich. It was time for a change in our country, and so it was for the band… We didn’t realize this in the beginning” (Schmier)

The recordings took way to (sic) long, also because of internal problems. We had to stop in the middle and finished them in a second session at a studio which wasn’t so insanly expensive” (Mike)

I still wonder why the guy on the cover looks like me, they wanted to ged rid of me and the cover artist put a look-a-like on the cover – quite strange, isn’t it? It was great fun to play the title track again after all, and I think we’ll bring it back to the live set in the future!” (Schmier)

Cracked Brain with Schmier’s vocals, a smart move. Excellent!” (Olly)