“Exposures – In Retrospect And Denial” (2004) é cd duplo, metade ao vivo, metade com faixas bônus e sobras de estúdio até aquele momento do Dark Tranquillity, e contém lauto encarte contendo fotos, letras (das inéditas) e meio q um relato de 4 páginas (das 20 totais) do histórico da banda. Cometidos por um certo Christopher Dick. Pra poupar o povo aqui, cito só o prólogo e o epílogo, com citações filosóficas creditadas:

‘The individual body is matter, brought together by the particularity of the elements out of the generaly of gravity and into individuality. Thus it is determined in and for itself and has by virtue of its individuality a characteristic form which constitutes the unity of the differentation of a body. This individuality is (a) immediate or at rest, a shape; (b) its separation into the diversity of features and the tension of the differences; (c) process, in which the shape dissolves just as much as, in its determinateness in and for itself emerges’ – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of Nature

‘Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves. What human beings can be, they must be. They must be true to their own nature’ – Abraham Maslow, 20th century humanistic psychologist