Parece padrão nos cd’s da banda (acontece nos 3 q tenho dos finlandeses) haver comentários a cada música (exceção às instrumentais) com tradução das letras/títulos para inglês e devidas contextualizações histórica e mitológica dos temas abordados.

A faixa “Juodaan Viinaa”, em “Karkelo” (2009) mereceu o seguinte aparte, bastante concreto e realista:

Juodaan Viina (‘Let’s Drink Booze’) originally recorded by Hector (Heikki Hamma) in 1990 is probably the best known of the modern Finnish drinking songs. However, the lyrics are not all fun and joy. They also include references to different problems in life, getting old, death and escapism. And old Finnish proverb ‘Vina on vilsaten juoma’ roughly translated as ‘Alcohol is the drink of the wise’ means that only sensible people should drink alcohol. Chorus of this song may refer to the fact that this proverb is often misinterpreted to mean that ‘you should drink more to get wiser’