A banda é egiptóloga, mas tb tem suas referências hollywoodianas. Do making of da semi-instrumental “Slaves Of Xul”, contida em “At the Gates Of Sethu” (2012):

Yes… Have some. Usually on Nile albums there are many Lovecraftian references; I guess the this quasi-instrumental could be construed as such. But the moniker stems more from the many Ghostbusters quotes that have become staples on the Nile tour bus over the years. E.G.. ‘would I like some coffee – YES! HAVE SOME’. ‘It will be a ctastrophe of Biblical proportions… he means Old Testament’. Or ‘if someone asks you if you are a god – you say YES’. Specifically in this case with all the evil Jon Vesano guest vocals in this piece – the track put me in the mind of – what if one opened their refrigerator door, and found a mini-demon-sized Jon Vesano growling obscenity, gutturally uttering the name ‘XUL’. So there ya go. As song titles go, “Slaves Of Xul” seemed slightly more apt than = ‘Jon Vesano evily chanting, driving forth with whips his Slave Minions from the dephts of my refrigerator so that he can find his leftover chicken sandwich’“.