Claro q a perda dum animal de estimação ñ é uma dor qualquer, mas a manifestação sobre a perda do gato no encarte de “Outsleeping” (2003), por parte da vocalista/tecladista Antonietta Scilipoti, é algo q nunca tinha visto igual. Ñ num disco:

This album is dedicated to ‘Ozzy’, best friend and love of my life for 10 years. My little black cat, you know no one can understand what there was between us and frankly I don’t even care, ‘cos nothing and no one compares to you. Now that you’re gone all I hope is you’re not missing me as much as I’m missing you.

Very special thanks to: Vet Laurenzio Delpiano, for all you did to Ozzy and, specially, for making him sleep forever, by killing his pain. I’m sure Ozzy would say << You rule>>, it only he could…