Pataquada patriótico-armamentista tão a gosto de Dave Mustaine, misturada a citações infames de seriado da moda à época (“24 Horas”) – autorizadas pela Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation – lavrada por um certo Matt Michnovertz no verso do encarte de “United Abominations” (2007)*:

Right now, terrorist s have attacked another city.Countries are taking sides. UN diplomacy has failed. I’m special agent Jack Bauer this is the longest day of my life. The following t akes place at the end of days…

Megadeth in theAge of T error

Over the last severeal years, we’ve seen a bitter escalation of warfare on a barbaric scale. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has made us paranoid and vulnerable. Fear has overshadowed our world, fear of terrorism, fear of one another. World powers are on the edge and forming dangerous alliance against us.As the UN wastes time debating, it seems that all-out war may be inevitable. Bureaucrats want result s but never want to get their hands dirty. They adhere to their resolutions, expecting the enemy to do the same. Unfortunately this type of diplomacy is a luxury we can’t aford. Through lies and corruption, world delegates have only served to strenghten our enemies. Because of this failure, we now need to act aggressively to counter these threats. W e cannot fal victim to our own inaction. We are living in the Age of Terror – and it’s time for deeds, not words. To stop the enemy you have to be forceful, uncrompromising and rely on instinct. You have to be resilient, dependable and unstopable. Extreme times call for extreme actions. This is a war for the end game, it’ s about survival. You have to do whatever it takes… Like Megadeth.

They know how to get the job done!

Jack Bauer former S pecialAgent in Charge,
Counter Terrorist Unit, Los Angeles

* erros de diagramação copiados ipsis literis