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  1. FC
    10 de outubro de 2022 @ 18:52

    O que é uma mentalidade de fazendeiros humildes?


  2. Marco Txuca
    10 de outubro de 2022 @ 20:28

    É o maior festival de metal do mundo, invicto há uns 20 anos e menor q uma franquia de festival – pra poucos – num lugar impróprio em SP?


  3. André
    11 de outubro de 2022 @ 12:28

    Só eu achei isso tudo uma coleção de bullshit?


  4. märZ
    11 de outubro de 2022 @ 18:10

    Um festival com essa proposta e tamanho como estão tentando fazer (Summer Breeze) custa no mínimo uns 3 milhões de reais antes mesmo do primeiro ingresso ser vendido. Disse na entrevista que não conseguiram NENHUM patrocínio, e me pergunto de onde virá o dinheiro pra investimento inicial em aluguel, taxas e licenças, som, palco, iluminação, adiantamento de cachés, pagamento de profissionais envolvidos, etc.

    Fede a fracasso, o que seria uma pena.


  5. André
    12 de outubro de 2022 @ 10:56

    Um adendo da minha parte. Jeff Waters fanboyando David Lee Roth. Achei pertinente.

    “Happy Birthday: DAVID LEE ROTH. The man and his life. So many other men can’t cope with his life, career, accomplishments and talent… and are threatened by the fact that most women appreciated him! Depsite the insane, disrespectful and dumb internet criticism, he was an incredible songwriter and, yup, his bluesy, raspy voice was at the top of the talent heap. His controlled multi-note screams were something that even great singers couldn’t fathom possible and so-called “professional” internet vocal “teachers” even described, ignorantly, that this amazing and rare, early-career talent as due to blown vocal cords… nope. In the day, he had insane vocal ability, with Supreme attitude. Even his own producer and others took their personal annoyances of the man and made dumb comments about him being “weak” as a singer and in the studio. TOTAL BS. He was pure gold as a singer, back then.
    He was, from around 78-86, a SINGER that was either envied by every good singer OR slammed by em cause he was such a good frontman and most gals in the world would’ve gladly offered a half-hour, a night or a lifetime with him hahaha! I woulda… but for his unreal brain and learned knowlege!
    His lyrics were so original and he delivered them like no other. Most visually-creative related ideas in VH were by him. He sold and promoted this band. He pushed Ed and the guys in many ways.
    EMT, martial artist, visual artist, painter, explorer….list goes on… he was a massive part of music culture and he spawned so many… whether it’s admitted or not.
    Funny thing, with the advent of the internet and social media… some peeps like him get targeted by jealous or uneducated Keyboard Warriors who spread crap, lies and, mainly, disrespect.
    Yes, he could not keep his voice as it was: if you watch interviews from back then, no wonder his voice has shown wear and tear. He has talked and sang likely 10x what an average singer does! As a “promoter”, he talked lots and he had lots to say!
    I can go on but won’t.
    Without this man, music and showbiz would be slightly different.
    Love, Respect, Happy Bday and Hugs to my 2nd favorite musician EVER:
    (His partner in crime, Ed, was my fave) ❤”


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